New and improved pc versions of KINSIM and FITSIM have been released
Thurs, April 3, 1997. These supersede the version released on March 20,
1997 and corrects some display bugs in the fitsim program. You can
download the compressed file from this page
( by clicking Here. This file is approximately 0.5 Mbytes,
contains both KINSIM and FITSIM , and is a self-extracting executable
file. After downloading into a folder, double click on the file and run
the install program. Data files and the programs should all be in the same
This is a reminder that these are pc programs and can
run under Win 3.x, Win 95, Win NT, OS/2 or Dos. Source files are
The new version will handle mechanisms with up to 100 species and 100
reaction steps and include other improvements such as allowing global
fitting following multiple species.
There is also a universal data conversion program to convert ASCII files
to the format required for these programs. It is no longer necessary that
there be data with evenly spaced time points. The new version will also
allow viewing of up to 20 data sets simultaneously in KINSIM. There is a
short help file to aid you in setting up and
running these programs. For complete documentation, please click on the
program name
B. A. Barshop, R. F. Wrenn and C. Frieden, (1983) Analysis of numerical
methods for computer simulation of kinetic processes: development of
KINSIM--a flexible, portable system. Anal Biochem 130, 134-145
C. T. Zimmerle and C. Frieden, (1989) Analysis of progress curves by
simulations generated by numerical integration. Biochem J 258, 381-387