File Conversion Routines



            We have written several routines for ease in importing Becker-Hickl TCSPC board data (using SPCM version 7.XX) into different fitting software packages. These are assembled into a Labview (Version 6) library and can be downloaded via the link below. The modularity of the main program makes implementation of new output formats (and potentially input formats as well) straightforward.

            Alternatively, the Becker-Hickl software can produce ASCII files which can be edited using a text editor or spreadsheet.


General Features:


            Selectable data window to save in output file.

            Multi-curve Becker-Hickl data file support: Conversion of selected data block or all data blocks.

            Automatic file name suggestion for output file(s).

            Integration of selected data window, with background selection.



Individual Conversion Program Specifics:


            Convert BH-sdt_to_CFS-ibh-asc data1_0: Use this to produce files for loading into the CFS98 software package. When running CFS, choose the "Data" option "IBH4ASC" (or "IBH4ASC/B if you also have a background file). The Decay file, the IRF, and the Background file (if used) must all be converted and in the working directory (avoid long file names!). These files contain a header that includes the time per channel.


            Convert BH-sdt_to_DAS(IBH) txt data1_0: Use this to produce files for loading into the IBH DAS6 software package. The output file(s) simply contain the raw data (text format) for a single curve and nothing else. The "prompt" is the (converted) IRF file. The time per channel is entered separately in the DAS6 software; be sure to note the displayed value in the conversion program.


            Convert BH-sdt_to_GLOBALS-dat_data1_0: Use this to produce files for loading into the Globals software package. The output file(s) contain both the IRF data and the Decay data in separate columns, preceded by a line that contains the time per channel, the first point # (1), and the number of points. The latter two numbers influence the points Globals includes in the fit, and can be edited within Globals. The use of a third colume for background is not supported by the conversion routine.



            To download the software click here. Please understand that while we have tested these routines we assume no responsibility for errors you may encounter. If you do find an error, an email (to would be greatly appreciated. Also, it may be possible to save these routines in Labview version 5-please feel free to email us if you need this version instead.


Last updated August 10, 2003