The Sample Compartment



Cuvette sample measurements are performed in an "L-format" custom detection compartment (above left) which includes a custom motorized filter wheel (above right) and custom motorized polarizer. The four-cuvette compartment is built with Thorlabs lens tubes and an old modified SLM fluorometer cuvette holder and includes four sample stirrers and circulating bath temperature control with temperature sensor. The detector is protected from overload by a shutter that closes when the compartment lid is removed. The compartment lid includes a syringe port for adding reagents to the cuvette during experiments.



                        Lenses: Plano-convex AR-coated BK7 for both emission and excitation paths

                        Filter Wheel:

                                    Custom closed module with input and output ports

                                    Six-position 1 inch optic mounting wheel driven by timing belt

                                    Unipolar stepper motor control with "HOME" switch

                                    Fully integrated with TCSPC sofware


                                    Custom closed module with input and output ports

                                    Universal 1 inch rotation mount driven by timeing chain

                                    Unipolar stepper motor control with "HOME" switch

                                    Fully integrated with TCSPC sofware

                        Universal optic mount in excitation path for beamsplitter (for TCSPC "STOP" pulse detector)

                        Additional filter and polarizer mounts in excitation path and additional filter mounts in emission path



                   Uniblitz VS-14 Shutter with C-mount adapters.

                                    3ms closing time.

                                    Note: "Sync" versions of shutter incorporate a light source which must be inactivated!

                        Uniblitz VMM-D4 Shutter Controller accepts TTL control pulses.

                        Lid interlock switch causes shutter to close when compartment lid is opened


            Temperature Control

                        Circulating water bath connections with coolent circulated throughout cuvette holder block

                        Calibrated negative temperature coefficient MS type thermister located in coolent return line for monitoring cuvette temperature


            Sample Stirring

                        Four-position variable-speed stirring


            Port for Adding reagents

                        Threaded / Luer-lock access port for adding reagents via a syringe


Last updated August 10, 2003