The Software


Screenshot of Becker-Hickl TCSPC Board Software

            Software is used not only for controlling the instrument but for performing subsequent data fitting and analysis. In fact, time spent on data analysis often far exceeds the time spent performing the actual TCSPC data acquisition. Analysis packages are available from several independent sources and vary in their ability to perform certain types of analyses, ease of use, and cost. Some that we have tried (either 30-day trial or free versions) are listed below. Note that our experience with these is very limited at this point.


            Most analysis programs do not support direct import of Becker-Hickl output data files, so in most cases an additional software step to convert to an acceptable input format is required. Some Labview routines for converting Becker-Hickl output data to several fitting program input formats are available for download here.


            System Software

                        Becker-Hickl SPCM software (supplied with TCSPC board)

                        Labview library for custom instrument programming


            Fitting and Analysis Software

                        CFS98: Center for Fluorescence Spectroscopy, University of Maryland-Baltimore


                                    DOS-based non-graphical interface

                                    Analyses include:

                                                Decay curve fitting (reconvolution) up to a five exponential model

                                                Lifetime distribution analysis (Gaussian, Lorentzian, Rectangular, or Skewed Gaussian)

                                                Energy transfer analysis (Gaussian, Lorentzian, or Rectangular distance distribution)

                                                Energy transfer to random receptor (one, two, or three dimensions)

                                                Global Analysis

                                                Error analysis (ASE, Support Plane, Monte Carlo, and Bootstrap)

                                                Frequency domain analyses also supported


                        Fluofit (ver. 3.1): Picoquant GMB

                                    Can directly import Becker-Hickl (.sdt) data

                                    Very easy to use graphical interface

                                    Analyses include:

                                                Decay curve fitting (reconvolution or tail-fitting) up to a four exponential model (Marquardt-Levenberg or Simplex algorithms)

                                                Lifetime/ Rate constant distribution analysis

                                                Anisotropy analysis

                                                Error analysis (ASE, Support Plane)


                        DAS (ver. 6): IBH

                                    Very easy to use graphical interface

                                    Analyses include (sold as individual components):

                                                Decay curve fitting (reconvolution) up to a four exponential model (unique algorithm)

                                                Lifetime distribution analysis

                                                Energy transfer analysis

                                                Anisotropy analysis

                                                Global Analysis

                                                Error analysis


                        GLOBALS: Laboratory for Fluorescent Dynamics, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana

                                    Graphical interface

                                    Analyses include:

                                                Decay curve fitting (reconvolution)

                                                Rate constant distribution analysis

                                                Energy transfer analysis

                                                Stopped-flow kinetic analysis

                                                Anisotropy analysis

                                                Global Analysis

                                                Error analysis

                                                Frequency domain analyses also supported


Last updated August 10, 2003