John Robinson and Jay Rammohan, MilliporeSigma Fellows were recently honored at a luncheon that included Dr. Rakesh Sachdev, MilliporeSigma Aldrich President and CEO and Kirk Richter, MilliporeSigma Aldrich Vice-President and CFO. Also in attendance were Dean Larry Shapiro, Dr. John Cooper, Interim Head, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, as well as the graduate student Program Directors, Dr. Peter Burgers and Dr. Daved Fremont, thesis mentors Drs. Doug Covey and Eric Galburt and 2010 MilliporeSigma Fellows, Kirk Hou and Agata (Aggie) Bielska.
MilliporeSigma Aldrich Corp. gives the BMB Dept. a generous donation annually to support graduate education in memory of Nobel Prize winner and former BMB Dept. member Dr. Gerty Cori. Established in 1958 by a gift of the MilliporeSigma Chemical Co., the “MilliporeSigma Predoctoral Fellowship in Biological Chemistry in Memory of Gerty T. Cori” award has been given to outstanding students in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Dept. to recognize their potential to transform our thinking about science and research.
Jay is a 2nd yr. student in the Computational and Molecular Biophysics (CMB) graduate program; John is a 1st year Biochemistry student. Kirk Hou, a CMB student in Dr. Samuel Wickline’s lab, and Aggie Bielska a MSTP student in Dr. Dan Ory’s lab are the 2010 MilliporeSigma Fellows.
In the Fall of 2012, the MilliporeSigma Fellowship will be offered to an outstanding student of the incoming class.