Faculty Members

Hema Adhikari

Hema Adhikari – Assistant Professor

Office: 2812 NB
Phone: 314-273-6748
E-mail: hema.adhikari@wustl.edu

Molecular architecture of cancer cell signaling networks in tumorigenesis & drug resistance.

Wayne M. Barnes

Wayne M. Barnes – Associate Professor

Room: 212A MS
Phone: 314-362-3351
E-mail: barneswm@wustl.edu

PCR methods; Aptamer selection to counter neurological diseases

Dr. Shripad Bhagwat

Shripad Bhagwat – Professor

E-mail: shripad@wustl.edu

Melissa Brereton

Melissa Brereton – Research Instructor

Room: 215 MS – Dr. Carl Frieden’s Lab
Phone: 314-362-3342
E-mail: breretonm@wustl.edu


Peter M. Burgers – Professor

Room: 1911 SB
Phone: 314-362-3872
E-mail: burgers@wustl.edu

Biochemistry and genetics of yeast DNA replication and repair

John Cooper

John Cooper – Professor

Phone: 314-362-0287
E-mail: jacooper@wustl.edu

Molecular mechanisms of cell motility and cytoskeleton assembly

Greg DeKoster

Gregory DeKoster – Research Instructor

CR – NMR Facility
SB – Dr. Kathleen Hall’s lab
215 MS – Dr. Carl Frieden’s lab
Phone: 314-362-4196, 314-362-3344, 314-362-3342
E-mail: dekoster@wustl.edu

Roland E. Dolle

Roland E. Dolle – Professor and Director, Center for Drug Discovery

Phone: 314-273-1214
E-mail: rdolle@wustl.edu

Gabor Egervari

Gabor Egervari – Assistant Professor

Office: 6313 Couch
Phone: 314-362-6741
E-mail: gabor@wustl.edu

Metabolic and epigenetic interactions in the brain and their relevance to substance use disorders and neurodegeneration

Dr. Carl Frieden

Carl Frieden – Professor

Room: 215 MS
Phone: 314-362-3344
E-mail: friedenc@wustl.edu

Protein folding, aggregation, intrinsically disordered proteins, fluorescence methods, ApoE lipoproteins and Alzheimer’s disease

Dr. Eric Galburt

Eric Galburt – Associate Professor

Room: 251 MS
Phone: 314-362-5201
E-mail: egalburt@wustl.edu

Single molecule biophysics, optical trapping, magnetic trapping, DNA transcription

Dr. Roberto Galletto

Roberto Galletto – Associate Professor

Room: 2808 NB
Phone: 314-362-4368
E-mail: galletto@wustl.edu

Mechanistic studies of DNA motor proteins

Dr. Benjamin Garcia

Benjamin Garcia – Head of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

Phone: 314-362-3075
E-mail: bagarcia@wustl.edu

Dr. Alireza Ghanbarpour

Alireza Ghanbarpour

E-mail: alirezag@wustl.edu

Structural and Biochemical Studies of ATP-dependent Proteolytic Machineries in Bacteria and human Mitochondria

Dr. Young Ah Goo

Young Ah Goo – Director, Mass Spectrometry Technology Access Center (MTAC)

Office: Mass Spectrometry Technology Access Center
Phone: 314-273-3487
E-mail: ygoo@wustl.edu
Mass spectrometry-based multi-omics; Proteomics, Metabolomics, Lipidomics, Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Dr. Lina Greenberg

Lina Greenberg – Research Instructor

Room: 253 MS – Michael Greenberg’s lab
Phone: 314-362-7434
E-mail: linagreenberg@wustl.edu

Dr. Michael Greenberg

Michael Greenberg – Associate Professor

Room: 253 MS
Phone: 314-362-8670
E-mail: greenberg@wustl.edu

Molecular motors in health and disease.

Dr. Kathleen Hall

Kathleen Hall – Professor

Phone: 314-362-4196
E-mail: hallkathleen@wustl.edu

NMR and biochemical studies of RNA and RNA-protein complexes.

Dr. Alex Holehouse

Alex Holehouse – Assistant Professor

Phone: 314-273-8371
E-mail: alex.holehouse@wustl.edu

Understanding how intrinsically disordered proteins drive biological function using simulations and experiment

Dr. Maxene Ilagan

Maxene Ilagan – Director, HTS Core and Biology Director, Center for Drug Discovery

Room: 2603 CR
Phone: 314-362-4445
E-mail: ilaganmg@wustl.edu

Mechanism of Notch signaling, Molecular imaging, Assay development, High Throughput Screening

Dr. Jim Janetka

James W. Janetka – Professor

Phone: 314-362-0509
E-mail: janetkaj@wustl.edu
Design and chemical synthesis of novel compounds; X-ray structure-based design; medicinal chemistry

Yuriy Kirichok

Yuriy Kirichok – Professor

E-mail: yuriy@wustl.edu

Molecular Physiology and Biophysics of Mitochondrial Membranes

Alex Kozlov

Alexander Kozlov – Instructor

Room: 2803 NB – Dr. Tim Lohman’s lab
Phone: 314-362-4394
E-mail: kozlov@wustl.edu

Mechanisms of DNA-protein interactions; DNA motor proteins (helicases) and SSB proteins


Andrzej Krezel – Associate Professor

Room: 262 MS
Phone: 314-362-8482
E-mail: krezela@wustl.edu

Structural biology of transcriptional regulation in gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori.

Weikai Li

Weikai Li – Roy and Diana Vagelos Distinguished Professor

Room: 251 MS
Phone: 314-362-8687
E-mail: weikai@wustl.edu

Structural and biochemical studies of membrane proteins supporting blood coagulation

Dr. Timothy Lohman

Timothy Lohman – Professor

Room: 2801 NB
Phone: 314-362-4393
E-mail: lohman@wustl.edu

Mechanisms of DNA-protein interactions; DNA motor proteins (helicases) and SSB proteins

Natalie Niemi

Natalie Niemi

Assistant Professor

E-mail: niemi@wustl.edu

How mitochondria are built, regulated, and maintained across physiological contexts.

Michael Onken

Michael Onken – Associate Professor

Room: 2903 SB – Dr. John Cooper’s lab
Phone: 314-362-4606
E-mail: mdonken@wustl.edu

Molecular mechanisms of cell motility and cytoskeleton assembly

Dr. Jeramia Ory

Jeramia Ory – Assistant Professor

E-mail: oryjeramia@wustl.edu

Dr. Linda Pike

Linda Pike – Professor

Room: 206 MS
Phone: 314-362-9502
E-mail: pike@wustl.edu

Mechanism of action of growth factors; polyphosphoinositide metabolism

Dr. Janice Robertson

Janice Robertson – Associate Professor

Room: 223 MS
Phone: 314-273-7758
E-mail: janice.robertson@wustl.edu

Single-molecule studies of membrane protein structure, function and folding in membranes

Ana Ruiz Manzano

Ana Ruiz Manzano – Assistant Professor

Room: 251 MS – Dr. Eric Galburt’s lab
Phone: 314-362-4821
E-mail: aruizmanzano@wustl.edu

Andrea Soranno

Andrea Soranno

Assistant Professor

Room: 2913 SB
Phone: 314-273-1632
E-mail: soranno@wustl.edu

Single-molecule spectroscopy of disordered proteins

Rui Zhang

Rui Zhang – Assistant Professor

Room: MDS 253
Phone: 314-273-1663
E-mail: zhangrui@wustl.edu

High-resolution cryo-electron microscopy, microtubule associated proteins


Professors Emeriti

Jacques Baenziger

Jacques Baenziger – Prof Emeritus

E-mail: baenziger@wustl.edu

Synthesis and function of unique carbohydrate structures as information-bearing macromolecules

Elliot Elson

Elliot Elson – Professor Emeritus

Phone: 314-362-3346
E-mail: elson@wustl.edu

Dynamics and equilibrium of interactions of molecules in cells and model systems. Mechanics and dynamics of cells and tissues.

Garland Marshall

Garland Marshall – Professor Emeritus

E-mail: garland@wustl.edu

Major focus is molecular recognition – the basis of intermolecular interactions and specificity seen in drug and hormone receptors, antigen-antibody and substrate-enzyme systems.

F. Scott Mathews

F. Scott Mathews – Professor Emeritus

E-mail: mathews22@wustl.edu

X-ray structure and analysis of macromolecules


Secondary Faculty