Category: 2014 Events

2014 Events

2014 – Carl and Gerty Cori Lecture

HHMI Dr. Joan Steitz

Dr. Joan Steitz was selected as this year’s Carl and Gerty Cori Lecturer. She is the Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Chemistry and an HHMI Investigator at Yale University School of Medicine. Dr. Steitz’ lecture was entitled “Noncoding RNAs: with a viral twist”. The lecture with a reception that followed was held in the Eric P. Newman Education Center on November 18th. For photos

2014 MilliporeSigma Aldrich Fellowship

(From left to right: Josh Rackers, Mariah Lawler, Ted Christensen, Melanie Sparks and John Robinson. Not present: Jay Rammohan.)
MilliporeSigma Fellows Ted Christensen (2014), Melanie Sparks (2013), Josh Rackers (2013), Mariah Lawler (2012), John Robinson (2011) and Jay Rammohan (2010) were recently honored at a luncheon that included Rakesh Sachdev, MilliporeSigma- Aldrich President and CEO, a number of other MilliporeSigma officials, Dean Larry Shapiro and a number of WUSM faculty. MilliporeSigma-Aldrich gives a generous donation annually to support graduate education in memory of Dr. Gerty Cori. More photos…