Category: All Events

2012 Holiday Party

2012 holiday party

Our Holiday Party was held on December 10th in the King Center. Congratulations to Lei Zhao and Jayma Mikes for five years of service to the BMB department. Special thanks to Paul Buske for creating the trivia questions and MC’ing. The winners of the trivia contest were the “Snowflakes”. Photos…

2012 BCM/CMBP Retreat


The 19th Annual BCM/CMBP Retreat was held on October 26th and 27th at Cedar Creek Conference Center, New Haven, MO. Keynote speakers were: Dr. Wei Cheng – University of Michigan-”Optical Tweezers, Helicases and Beyond” and Dr. Enrique de la Cruz – Yale University-”How Cells Use Chemistry and Physics to Break the Bones that Power Their Movement”.

Best Student Talk: Megan Epperson, Dr. Daved Fremont’s Lab.
Best Student Poster: Emma Morrison, Dr. Katherine Henzler-Wildman’s Lab
Runner Up: Tom Kraft, Dr. Paul Hruz’ Lab
Best Postdoc Poster: Binh Nguyen, Dr. Timothy Lohman’s Lab
Runner Up: Brett Olsen, Dr. Dan Ory’s Lab

2012 MilliporeSigma Fellowship Lunch


John Robinson, 2011 MilliporeSigma Fellow, and Jayan (Jay) Rammohan, the 2010 MilliporeSigma Fellow, were recently honored at a luncheon that included Rakesh Sachdev, MilliporeSigma Aldrich President and CEO, Kirk Richter, MilliporeSigma Aldrich Vice President and CFO, Dean Larry Shapiro, and a number of WUSM faculty members. MilliporeSigma Aldrich Corp. gives the BMB Dept. a generous donation annually to support graduate education in memory of Nobel Prize winner and former BMB Dept. member Dr. Gerty Cori. Jay is a 2nd yr. student in the Computational and Molecular Biophysics graduate program; John is a 1st year Biochemistry student. More Photos..