Author: Anna Blanchard

Two WUSM Medical Students Awarded the David F. Silbert Summer Fellowship

2012 David F. Silbert Summer Fellowship

Adam Aronson
Adam Aronson worked in Dr. Matthew Ellis’ laboratory on a project entitled “Characterizing Her3 Receptor-Tyrosine Kinase Mutations in Breast Cancer”.


Natalie Macaruso
Natalie Mararuso worked in Dr. Jason Weber’s laboratory on a project entitled “Role of Nucleolar Proteins in Gliomagenesis”.

Journal Cover

A figure from Dr. Timothy Lohman’s research is on the cover of the July 20th issue of Journal of Molecular Biology. Their research articles are entitled “Plasmodium falciparum SSB Tetramer Wraps Single-Stranded DNA with Similar Topology but Opposite Polarity to E. coli SSB” and “Plasmodium falciparum SSB Tetramer Binds Single-Stranded DNA Only in a Fully Wrapped Mode”.


Editorial Board Invitation

James Janetka, Ph.D., research assistant professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics has been invited by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) to join the Chemistry in Cancer Research (CICR) Editorial Board. Dr. Janetka will be a member of the AACR-CICR Editorial Board for a two-year assignment, April 2012 – April 2014.

2012 MilliporeSigma Fellowship Lunch


John Robinson, 2011 MilliporeSigma Fellow, and Jayan (Jay) Rammohan, the 2010 MilliporeSigma Fellow, were recently honored at a luncheon that included Rakesh Sachdev, MilliporeSigma Aldrich President and CEO, Kirk Richter, MilliporeSigma Aldrich Vice President and CFO, Dean Larry Shapiro, and a number of WUSM faculty members. MilliporeSigma Aldrich Corp. gives the BMB Dept. a generous donation annually to support graduate education in memory of Nobel Prize winner and former BMB Dept. member Dr. Gerty Cori. Jay is a 2nd yr. student in the Computational and Molecular Biophysics graduate program; John is a 1st year Biochemistry student. More Photos..

2012 MilliporeSigma Aldrich Fellowship

John Robinson Jay Rammohan
John Robinson Jayan Rammohan

John Robinson, 2011 MilliporeSigma Fellow, and Jayan (Jay) Rammohan, the 2010 MilliporeSigma Fellow, were recently honored at a luncheon that included Rakesh Sachdev, MilliporeSigma Aldrich President and CEO, Kirk Richter, MilliporeSigma Aldrich Vice President and CFO, Dean Larry Shapiro, and a number of WUSM faculty members. MilliporeSigma Aldrich Corp. gives the BMB Dept. a generous donation annually to support graduate education in memory of Nobel Prize winner and former BMB Dept. member Dr. Gerty Cori. Jay is a 2nd year student in the Computational and Molecular Biophysics graduate program; John is a 1st year Biochemistry student.



Drug Clears Chronic Urinary Infections in Mice

Drs. Jim Janetka and Scott Hultgren are featured in “The Record” for their research on chronic urinary infections. Their article “Treatment and Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection with Orally Active FimH Inhibitors” appears in the November 16th issue of Science Translational Medicine. Also featured in the November 18th issue of Voice of America and in the December 5th edition of C&EN.

(Newsroom Link)